Rabu, 9 Februari 2011

Cara Sinkronisasi Firefox

Bagaimana jadinya jika program firefox anda error / kena virus. Atau saat upgrade ke Firefox versi terbaru terjadi error & bookmarknya ga tersimpan & malah pada hilang. Atau jika laptop anda kemalingan atau kena virus dan harus install ulang. Yang jelas bookmark, add ons, & hal - hal lain yang sudah anda install / setting di firefox anda akan hilang semua. Tentu akan sangat menyebalkan jika harus mencari2 bookmark lagi, atau adds on seperti sedia kala, dan biasanya udah pada lupa & ga nemu2 jadinya. Supaya hal di atas tidak terjadi maka kita harus melakukan sinkronisasi firefox secara berkala, kalau perlu tiap hari. Jika terjadi hal2 buruk seperti yang di atas kita ga perlu cari2 bookmark lagi, cukup sinkronisasi dan semua bookmark akan kembali seperti sedia kala hanya dalam hitungan detik...
Begini caranya =

When you set up Firefox Sync on your computer, all of your ​data​ (such​ as your​ book​mark​s, history, pass​word​s and ​open​ tabs​) gets stored securely on the Mozilla servers. Then you can connect other devices (a mobile phone for example) and they will be automatically synchronized, giving you access to all of your information no matter where you are. This article will walk you though setting up Firefox Sync for the first time.
Once you've set up Firefox Sync, see How do I add a device to Firefox Sync? to learn how to connect other computers or mobile devices to your Sync account.

Set up Firefox Sync

  1. Go to the Firefox Sync download page, and click Download Now / Add to Firefox.
  2. When you have finished installing Firefox Sync, click Restart Firefox. Firefox will restart with the Add-ons window open.
  3. In the Add-ons window, click Options to open the Sync panel.
  1. Click Set Up Firefox Sync
    Sync Setup 1
  2. Click Create a New Account
    Sync Setup 2
  3. Enter your email address, create a password and confirm it. Then check "I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy" and click Next.
  4. This is your Sync Key. Now is a good time to save or print a copy of your key and store it somewhere safe. When you are done with this step, click Next.
    Sync Setup 4
    The Sync Key is used to encrypt your data before it's sent to the Mozilla servers. Think of it as a key that locks your information in a vault that only you can open. This means that neither Mozilla nor anyone else can read your information without having your Sync Key to unlock it.
  5. Confirm that you are not a robot by entering the text from the image. Then click Next.
  6. You will see a Setup Complete! message. Click Finish to close the setup window and take you back to the Sync panel.
    setup complete
  7. You do not need to do anything else. Firefox Sync will automatically sync your data in the background from here on.
    This first sync should happen quickly but may take more than 30 minutes depending on how much information needs to be synced.
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