Dulu pas awal-awal kuliah aku di ajak temen buat main game starcraft 1 di komputer. Ternyata lumayan asyik gamenya, terutama kalo lawan bangsa zerg ( serangga ) paling semangat, soalnya aku takut, jijik & sebel banget sama yang namanya kecoa ( ada hubungannya ga ya, he...3x ). Kalo lawan bangsa protos aku ga suka. Terus berdasarkan pengalamanku main game tersebut kalo kita main bertahan pasti akan kalah ( cepat atau lambat ). Jadi klo mau menang di game starcraft kita harus menerapkan motto = pertahanan terbaik adalah menyerang. Jadi aku biasanya mainnya kayak gini = begitu game mulai, aku langsung kirim SCV ke deket wilayah musuh untuk bangun barack, SCV lain yg ada di Comand Center kita suruh buat ambilin mineral. Setelah barack jadi, terus aku bikin 2 bunker di depan barack ( deket musuh ). Sambil nunggu bunker jadi, aku bikin marine, cukup bikin 8 marine aja. Begitu marine jadi, langsung kita masukkan ke bunker satu2, sampai bunker penuh. Pada saat proses ini pasti kita udah di serang sama zerg, kita siapkan SCV nya buat memperbaiki bunker klo rusak kena serangan. SCV ini juga kita suruh bikin Supply Depot & Factory di belakang barack, kalo factory udah jadi, kita bikin 2 Tank. Kita pasang 2 tank ini dalam Siege Mode di belakang barack. Terus kita biarkan saja dalam kondisi seperti ini sambil kita bangun Armory di sebelah Factory. Terus di Armory kita upgrade Weapon & Plating sampai ke level 3. Setelah upgrade selesai kita maju ke daerah musuh, marine di depan & Tank dalam Siege Mode persis di belakang Marine. Kita maju dikit demi sedikit ke daerah musuh, pasti musuh bakalan kalah walaupun kita main di Hard Mode ( Difficulty Level yang paling tinggi ).
Gara2 dulu suka main Starcraft 1, makanya ketika Blizzard merilis game Starcraft 2 Wings Of Liberty tanggal 27 Juli 2010 kemarin aku jadi pengin beli nih game. Terus aku browsing2 di google tentang game Starcraft 2 Wings Of Liberty ini. Ketemu dengan web www.starcraft2.com, gwe lihat screenshot sama video2 nya. Setelah lihat kayaknya keren nih game, mantep deh pengin beli. Terus browsing2 lagi di google katanya ini game bisa langsung di download di blizzard.com atau starcraft2.com tapi filenya gede banget sampe 7 GB. Aku pikir2 paling2 entar udah nunggu berjam2 ( mungkin berhari2, wkwkwk ) utk proses downloadnya, udah dpt 6,9 GB tiba2 koneksi putus & ga bisa di terusin downloadnya, bisa2 darah rendah gwe ( salah ya, he...3x ). Akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk beli secara online aja DVD game nya. Nemu di bhinneka.com, DVD asli harganya 700 ribu. Cari2 lagi ah, sapa tau ada yg lebih murah, walaupun nanti beda sedikit tapi kan lumayan. Terus nemu deh di belanjagames.com, pas lihat harganya.... ga salah nih, 15 ribu !!!!
Akhirnya sms deh ke yang punya web, nanya emang harganya beneran segitu ? Terus di bales katanya emang segitu & itu game hasil crack an, bukan orisinil ( emang udah gwe duga sih... ). Terus gwe tanya lagi, game nya fiturnya bisa lengkap ga ? Katanya cuman bisa main Campaign & Skirmish. Ya udah deh akhirnya gwe beli, toh aku lihat di starcraft2.com yang keren tuh video tentang main Campaign nya. Awalnya cuman mau beli 1 game ini aja, tapi ga bisa transfer ATM di bawah 50 ribu. Akhirnya beli juga beberapa game yg lain biar bisa transfer lewat ATM. Setelah transfer, konfirmasi, terus nunggu beberapa hari, akhirnya nyampe game nya. Terus Install, terus di crack, begini cara cracknya =
Ada 2 cara crack :
1. Crack versi reloaded (Internet harus dalam keadaan offline):
- Install game
- Buka folder CRACK (di cd B)
- Copy file update.bat, folder "updates" dan "support" ke folder install Anda
- jalankan update.bat
- kopi dan timpa file starcraft II.exe, folder "battle.net" dan "versions" ke folder install Anda
- Play!!!
2. Crack versi Razor (internet online, terdetect virus, resiko tanggung sendiri) :
- Update the game online
- Run Razor1911SC2_COPY.exe on the DVD to install additional content
- Run Razor1911keytro.exe and hit F2 to activate your game offline
- Enjoy the full single-player experience playing in guest mode
crack versi razor :
-enables you to play all single-player missions including AI ('skirmish') ones
-does NOT alter ANY of the original game files
-will (most likely) work for future game updates
-lets you use your legally bought game key at any time
-contains a nifty 'keytro' (keygen/cracktro mix) for your enjoyment.
Aku pilih yang crack no.1 ( cari yg aman aja ). Terus langsung main Campaign, ternyata game nya 3 dimensi, ga kayak game Starcraft 1 yang jalannnya cepet, game Starcraft 2 Wings Of Liberty ini jalannya lambat terus loading tiap misi lama, mungkin gara2 laptopku jadul ( Intel Celeron, RAM 1GB kena VGA tinggal 750 MB, Memori VGA nya 256 MB ). Dari pada mengeluh mending bersyukur aja deh yang penting punya laptop & bisa main game nya dengan harga murah meriah, he...3x. Total Campaign ada sekitar 28 misi, terus karena bukan game orisinil, kalo kita keluar game maka ga bisa ngelanjutin campaign nya ( harus mulai dari misi pertama lagi ) CAPE DEH... Akhirnya nyari kode Cheat di google utk menanggulangi masalah ini, ketemu deh =
Cheat Codes = While playing the game, press [Enter] to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling cheat codes will prevent achievements from being earned until a new game is started or a saved game is loaded.
Result | Cheat Code |
God mode | terribleterribledamage |
5 million credits in single player campaign | whysoserious |
5,000 gas | realmendrilldeep |
5,000 minerals | stroaksmolts |
5,000 minerals and gas | smoldersbolds |
+1 weapon, armor, and shield upgrade | iamironman |
Extra research points | wapboinkers |
Fast build | basestarsprimative or reversingnazaire |
Fast heal | fsbcomunicacion |
Units do not cost resources | moredotsmoredots |
Disable fog of war | sawnoutofmemory |
Disable ability cooldown | hanshotfirst |
Disable food and psi requirement | mintmansoperator |
Disable tech requirements | sosayweall |
Disable time of day | qrotero |
Disable defeat conditions | ypoonsvoicemail or nevergiveupneversurrender |
Disable victory conditions | tyuhasleftthegame |
Win current game | cmethodfeedback |
Lose current game | cadeasygoin |
Unknown resources granted | jaynestown |
Unknown resources granted | dzmhairspring |
Mission graph dialog selectable | lyingpect |
Cinematics menu | eyeofsauron |
UNN broadcast menu | furabranchery |
Play the "Terran Up The Night" song | overengineeredcodpiece |
-Some codes from: Randy
Cheat Codes (Lost Viking mini-game) = While playing the Lost Viking mini-game, press [Enter] to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Add indicated points to score | -score [number] |
Extra life | -addlife |
Ten extra lives | -life |
Spawn power-up | -pu |
Level skip | -levelclear |
Man ends | -bonus |
Boss appears | -boss |
Wave of enemies | -behind |
Alternate background | -mb |
Display "Boss Incoming" message | -ss |
Display the sine of three angles: 180, 90, and pi | -sine |
View ending sequence | -end |
Hide "Quit" button | -noquit |
"Piercing The Shroud" secret mission In the "Media Blitz" mission = where you control the Odin in the city, go to the far bottom-right corner of the map. Destroy the red civilian building on the little floating platform. There is a pathway to the building from the small enemy expansion base that is just north of the player's starting position. Once the building is destroyed, "secret documents" will be revealed. Pick the "secret documents" up with any ground unit, and then complete the mission as normal. The "Piercing The Shroud" secret mission will now be accessible through the Star Map. Note: You cannot play the secret mission after going to Char, as you have to go to another planet. Thus, you must go to the load menu and load a game from before Char to play the mission.
Lost Viking mini-game = [Left Click] the arcade machine at the Cantina on the Hyperion to play a space shooter mini-game.
Alternate background screens = Successfully complete Campaign mode to change the appearance of the background screens.
"Terran Up the Night" song = Successfully complete Campaign mode to unlock the "Terran Up the Night" song.
Zerg Queen quick larval injection = Select all queens with "control group". Hold [Inject Larvae], then press [Backspace] to jump between each hatch and [Left Click] that hatch. This will use the closest queen to cast "Inject Larvae", without having to press [Inject Larvae] each time.
Exploding creatures = [Left Click] any creature multiple times to make it explode.
Hidden dialogue = [Left Click] units multiple times to hear secret dialogues.
Marine in "Havens Fall" mission = In the single player campaign, search the lower left corner of the map near the refugees. You can find a frozen Marine just before the bottom left Zerg base in the water.
Marine in "Piercing The Shroud" mission = In the single player campaign while in the loading bay before the room with the Brutalisk, go outside through the door. Follow the rock ledge as it leads up, and more of the map will be visible. Continue until you find a Murloc Marine.
Marine in "Welcome To The Jungle" mission = In the single player campaign, you can find a Murloc Marine near the left edge of the map, slightly north of your base. He is standing on a cliff edge that is surrounded by trees.
Marine in "Zero Hour" mission = In the single player campaign, search the top of the map just above the left Vespene geyser. You can find a Tauren Space Marine that enters an outhouse. Repeatedly [Left Click] the outhouse, and it will shoot into space.
Disappearing Marauder in "Zero Hour" mission = Attack the Zerg base to the north/northwest, and find the neutral Marauder. [Left Click] him until the text "Secret 3...2...1" appears, and the Marauder will disappear.
Blizzard reference = During the Protoss missions, watch the TV to see a music advertisement for LVL800ETC featuring a lot of songs. All those songs are from a metal band called LVL80ETC, which is made up of Blizzard employees and is dedicated to all things StarCraft and Warcraft. The lead singer is the head of Blizzard's art department.
Successfully complete the "Ghost Of A Chance" mission and unlock the Ghost rifle. Go to the armory on the Hyperion. [Left Click] the Ghost rifle to examine it. Keep looking at the screen until Nova (from Blizzard's unreleased game StarCraft: Ghost) briefly appears and disappears.
Diablo reference During "The Devil's Playground" mission, go to the bottom right corner of the map on Redstone III. You will find Diablo, from the game of the same name, surrounded by lava. He will attack your units when discovered.
World Of Warcraft references Once you are on the ship's cantina, look in the upper left to see a red female holograph doing the same dance as the female night elf from World Of Warcraft.
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